Fall Color for the Garden

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Summer has come and gone, and fall has finally sent in. That means a lot of things in the garden are no longer blooming, leaving your garden a bit colorless for the time being. I have a few solutions though!

I rant and rave about these Anemones all summer long, and it is finally their time to shine. When everything else in the garden is starting to lose its colors after blooming throughout the hot summer months, the Anemones are just now starting to take over the garden. They are vigorous growers, and look great planted in groups, or planted alone. Either way, they are blooming now when most other things are not blooming.

Pink Turtleheads (Chelone), although they have a funny name, are great perennials for the garden in the fall. The dark green foliage contrasts nicely with the pink blooms that emerge. Much like the name suggests, the flowers do resemble that of a turtle head, a pink turtle head.

Another plant that generally starts blooming around this time are grasses. Generally grasses aren’t thought of as “blooming machines,” but plumes do begin to emerge that can add an attractive dimension to the grass. Some of the plumes can even tower over the plumes of the grass, adding height to the plant as well.

Anemones are excellent choices to add color to the garden to wind up the season. We have a couple different varieties at the nursery right now that are different shades of pink. Many of these varieties have been planted throughout the nursery in the trial gardens. Alike, the pink Anemones, the Pink Turtleheads are also great choices for the fall season. Grasses are often overlooked, but can really add a lot of character in your yard.

We couldn't be happier with the landscaping they designed and installed!

» Kevin from Warsaw