Customer Testimonials

We Love Our Customers

Some of our long-standing customers have used our plants and services at multiple locations. They tell us they liked the landscape architecture so much the first time around, that when they moved to a different house they came back to Blue River for their new plant needs. Many out-of-town guests pop in to walk the gardens and see what’s new whenever they’re in the area. And local friends stop in several times a year just to browse and watch the nursery change throughout the seasons.

Kevin from Warsaw

We hired Blue River Nursery to landscape the home we built. It was a clean slate and we really had no vision of what we wanted. They met with us, talked to us about what we like and don’t like and then presented us with a plan that was absolutely perfect. We couldn’t be happier with the landscaping they designed and installed!

We couldn't be happier with the landscaping they designed and installed!

» Kevin from Warsaw